
Privacy Policy

Thank you for trusting us with your information. Here is why we need it:

  1. To alert temps of the opportunity to pick up a shift in their preferred locations on their preferred times
  2. To provide the required inforamtion about the company for temps to be successful
  3. To notify the practice of who to expect to cover the shift
  4. To validate that professionals are registered for the field in which they pick up work
  5. To bill dental offices for services rendered

Who might receive access to your data:

  1. We store your first name, last name, phone number, email address, and licence number of temps on our server in a secured database on an Amazon Web Services data center in the United States or Canada. Your password is encrypted prior to being stored, so even we can't see it.
  2. We store the location, billing address, phone number, email address, and name of the contact person for practices who may require temporary workers
  3. We use only necessary cookies, this allows you to go from page to page on our site without having to login on every page. The information listed above may be stored for the duration of the session (until you are logged out)
  4. We use Google Analytics to better understand our customer base. They use cookies to track user behaviour on our site. You can learn more here: How Google uses data when you use our partners' sites or apps.
  5. We may provide anonymized data to a third party, exclusively for the purpose of providing Make Shift with analysis on how to improve our products to better support our customers. These third parties will be restricted to using the anonymized data for the purposes of providing Make Shift with demographic information for improving our services.
  6. We may request participation in surveys, questionnaires or feedback of other types, provided you have consented to receive these types of messages. Any data you provide voluntarily may be used to improve our products.
  7. We may request additional information in order to resolve complaints or concerns, but this data will not be shared without explicit permission.
  8. Make Shift will comply with any legal requirements, such as those laid out by a warrant, which may include disclosure of personal information to law enforcement or regulatory agencies - either Canadian or international.
  9. Please note that all of our temps and business contacts must be of the legal age of majority, we do not solicit personal information from children.

We absolutely will NOT provide your personal details to third parties in exchange for any compensation.

Note that by providing us any information through our website or directly to an agent of Make Shift for the purposes of providing services you agree to the above privacy policy.

Your privacy is important to us, we want to be transparent in why we need your data and how we are using it. If there is anything that could be further clarified or if you have concerns around the information being collected, please contact us using the contact form on our website.

Please note that certain actions will generate emails:

  • Registering for an account: we send an email to verify that your provided email is correct
  • Requesting password or email address change
  • It will always be up to you if you want to recieve marketing emails

What do we mean by anonymized data?

Data used for analytics will be generalized; any specific identifiers such as emails, phone numbers, names and specific addresses will be removed. The goal is to make it so that data that is used can not be used in any way to identify an individual.

Please note that we may link to external websites from our website. This privacy policy applies only to the pages and subpages on https://makeshift.dental

Last updated: June 20, 2023, for more information you can talk to the President directly: 1 (403) 324-1462 or using the email contact form below.